[EN] Sometimes the only way to find someone that you have lost is to dream about them. When you do, you want to believe it is real, even though you may be aware that it is only a figment of your imagination. But you'd rather pretend, and prey not to wake up too soon; a bittersweet self-delusion that you know will fade away when morning comes, but which may repeat itself.
[FR] Parfois, la seule façon de retrouver quelqu’un qu’on a perdu est d’en rêver. Lorsque cela arrive, on veut croire que c’est réel, et quand bien même on est conscient de rêver, on préfère faire semblant et on prie pour ne pas se réveiller. Une douce illusion qui finit toujours amèrement le matin venu, mais toujours renouvelable.
Dont' – Oh don't, please don't wake me up. Not yet!
Let me wallow in this fantasy
Long-lost voice and forgotten warmth So sad!
A phantom has come back to me.
Don't – Oh don't, please don't wake me up. I know!
Though numb I'm well aware this is not real
I know it's but a fragment of my past creeping back!
The shard of a broken memory.
Don't wake me up...
I'm willing to pretend
This one moment
Is more than a fragile figment.
I won't be another forsaken bride I won't!
Stop all the clocks and pretend time stood still
Not another mermaid turned to foam at dawn.
Because another came to fill the prince's thoughts.
You had wings but could not fly
You had wings but wished to hide,
Forever hide in the crowd
Don't wake me up...
I'm willing to pretend
This one moment
Is more than a fragile figment.
Don't wake me now...
Under this dying moon
We vowed to hide
Into the darkness of daylight.
Drowning in a lake of pretense, did we ever make any sense?
Feeding on illusion so sweet, weren't we doomed from the beginning?
We were made up out of thin air, we'll be gone by morn, I don't care
Such are the poisonous chains and masks we wear.
I had wings but could never fly and your spirit used to sing with mine but they had no voices
We never made sense
You had wings but could never fly and my spirit used to sing with yours but they had no voices
We never made sense
Find music in any sound, Magic in the Northern Lights
Give in to fascination, Lure of sensation
Full of shouts, fury and cries, Life goes on, time passes by
Oblivious of the edge, a life in a cage
Fade to black
As dawn breaks
Drawn apart,
Two fools awake.
In the Darkness of Daylight