[EN] This song tells of a metaphorical journey to the abode of Hypnos, god of sleep. The protagonist suffers from insomnia and begs the god to let them fall asleep. This journey takes us through the Field of the Asphodel, mythical otherworld where the souls of the dead gather and, breathing in the flowers' essence, forget their past lives and sink into eternal slumber.
[FR] Cette chanson raconte un voyage métaphorique vers la demeure d’Hypnos, le dieu du sommeil, par une personne qui souffre d’insomnie et supplie le dieu de lui accorder de s’endormir. Ce voyage passe par la Prairie des Asphodèles, l’au-delà mythique où se retrouvent les âmes des morts qui, en respirant le parfum des fleurs, oublient leur vie passée et sombrent dans un engourdissement éternel.
Far have I wandered
Down to the edge of life, where forgetfulness dwells
There I'll find a place, my place of rest
I walked till the world grew dim
Where silence and twilight shadows reign
Ghostly flowers of pallid beauty
The scent of the asphodels
I walked by the elm tree
False dreams clinging under every leaf
With the unburied souls I waited
In the field of the asphodels
Oh, Hypnos in land of Erebos
Beyond the gates of Rising Sun
Unleash the dark-winged Oneiroi
Let flow the waters of Oblivion
Oh Hypnos in land of Erebos
Hear my silent supplication
Rise in the night
Grant me the peace that I long for !
I came to a place of gloom
A cave in a hollow mountain side
Standing before its mouth I stopped and picked up
A pale asphodel
He lay on a drowsy bed
Surrounded by empty shapes
Can you smell the intoxicating essence
Of the asphodel?
Do you envy those numb and dumb soulless ragdolls?
Hope freely I’ll bestow somnolence upon thee.
I'm denied, I have tried to find a way to Elysium
So now, please provide a merciful spell, your sweet opium